Healing peace
So this is what peace feels like. It has been so long, that it is almost euphoric to experience it. This break has actually proven to be so beneficial with its healing power. Firstly, in a break away from normal scenery and routine. Secondly, in the recovery of a hobby a year in frustrating limbo. Certainly, only rewrites of some older material, but I was able to take lines further and write many pages. And that brings me to the third, and most important point, it went a long way in exorcising some of those demons of mine, given this peace. The simple joy of not feeling any disappointment with expected outcomes and to not have thoughts preoccupied, makes me think that the addiction has actually been broken. Of course, the proof will be in the coming long break, but for the first time in too long, I do not look to time away with dreaded expectation but with some eager anticipation. I can now find rest and relaxation. That, in itself, speaks volumes to me.