Friday, August 11, 2006

1 no, 1 reject

It is amazing how productive and destructive the wee small hours have on the thinking process.

This week has been different, to put it mildly. Highlighted this morning by blue fingernails.

I did a science prac yesterday using copper sulphate solution. But even taking as much care as I did, I still ended up with a blue stain under my nails. Not unexpected, but still something to have to deal with. Similar to my whole day.

Words were said and heard. Questions and answers. Statements. To me, to others. The impact was strong. Very strong.

But quiet moonlit reflection reminded me. For every one that says none, there are three others that can be named that would name me. For every no, at least three yeses, for every rejection three who will accept. And the sum of that has to at least balance the sum of the other, even with the lousy mathematics I often employ.

I kept those words for a reason. This is the reason. So to do as it says is difficult to say the least. But necessary.


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