Thursday, June 15, 2006


I hate proving myself correct.

Generally I am quite optomistic in nature. I see little benefit in being otherwise. But I also play it safe, expecting the worst senario for any outcome, particularly if it is about something I want. The theory is that I can not be disappointed if it comes true and I can be pleased then with anything more positive than the worst.

More often than not it is the latter that is true. Today? Well, I suppose it could have been worse.

I predicted that I could only go downhill from my start to the day. Tick one. As for the other ticks? Noted and shoulders shrugged. Did I not expect this?

I do not like reviewing mistakes, little point in it. But it is times like this that I really wish that I had got that job. I do not know what my life would have been like, but it would have to be better than this. I hate the mood shifts on flimsy actions, the questing, the unknown, the imagining, the inability to shaft the whole damned lot, put it all in its place and move on. I am seriously starting to believe that I need to do so physically to give myself the boost mentally.

Long break coming. For the first time in an awful long time, a complete break from all things. It will be strange. I hope some good comes of it. But in my mood, my imagining is going to come up with all sorts of reasons as to why I have been sent away. I hope none of them turn out to be correct.


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