Wednesday, April 26, 2006


One I know was making comment on the blindsiding ability of being female. As we all know, hormones have the amazing ability to take you on a rollercoaster emotional ride. And that is without the influence of those that claim to be near and dear to us. Add in their problems, the stress of the work place, the craziness of the world and sanity is often hard to find.

Then, of course, there is the 'shooting yourself in the foot' ability. What you bring upon yourself.

Had an interesting discussion on that ability the other day. I had been bemoaning some of my perceived stupid actions of recent times and was wondering just what sort of masochistic insane tendancies I was showing and how disappointed in myself I was. Just how could I do that? Supposedly a rhetorical question for previous posts. But the person I was talking with, fortunately still a good friend despite all, did point out something.

Excuses. Getting drunk provides a ready made one. I could bemoan that I said certain things that I never meant to say, but they have now been said. Over and done with. I no longer have to concern myself with agonising about how, if, when, whatever... it is done. Did I set out to do that deliberately? Not consciously, so I really need to work out what my subconscious is up to. And why. Results? Some interesting changes of perpective as far as I am concerned, more of that later.

Mind, there was another interesting occassion when I was accused and told that I could not use alcohol as an excuse. Interesting in the fact that I was quite sober, in that I was not that drunk and I knew exactly what I was doing. And why. Got some unexpected reactions, interesting in themselves, some of which I am still trying to work out.

This is really one different journey.


At 9:09 AM, Blogger ThePurpleOwl said...

Hmmm, interesting indeed. Your use of the word 'excuse' no makes sense (although I still don't think it applies to what I referred to - I'm very against the idea of using 'female troubles' to avoid... well, anything).

My subconscious plays games, too, and yes, they are different and confusing... I just have to hope the hormones and the subconscious don't join forces. ;-)


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