Saturday, September 11, 2004


Just a point of clarification. While checking out some of the recent work I came across three lots of 42 which also covers a lot of the same material. Now, while I am not normally in the habit of repeating myself, except to my students, who only seem to manage to hear what they want to hear, I dont like saying it more than once in print. After all, if you wanted to see it again, it is easy enough for you to go back through the archives, for those masochistic enough to do so.
No, the triple dose was due to that funny little triangle thinggy doing its little spoke dance and telling me it was trying to publish, but not getting anywhere. Or so I thought.
So you can imagine my chagrin to find that there is more of that than I expected. Apologies to all and sundry.
Though it does raise the question of the coincidence of three in my life at the moment. Something to ponder.

Third time lucky

I have this preoccupation at the moment with numbers. Probably because this will be the third time I have attempted a discourse on the number 42. Well, I think I will give that up for the moment. After all, those that are familiar with Douglas Adams will know full well what I am taling about and those that don't? Ah well, the supposed delights of hitchhiking across the galaxy will remain in the realms of the Heart of Gold immposibility drive. (By the way, who said this system does not need a spell check?
It is Friday. And with that comes a collective sigh of relief. I guess that it is because that for the next two days, we can supposedly do what we chose, rather than that dictated by the unfortunate need to pay bills and all that mundane stuff. Of course, that mainly applies to those fortunate enough to live in the time B.C. Just to qualify, that does not refer to the more correctly named time Before Christian Era, which is the way we are supposed to date our calendars CE (christian era) and BCE. But the more impacting on us and that is Before Children. Not that I can complain too much, I have been fortunate in not having sporty types that block whole days with having to stand in windy places or cold stadiums, trying to show some degree of enthusiasm. But I really regret the repeditive nature of shopping (food type) laundry and housework ( something regarded with a passion as close to hatred as I can feel) They all seem such a frustrating waste of time. You just finish doing it and then you seem to be doing the whole thing again, with no conceivable benefit.
Still. it is Friday and I should be somewhat relieved. So I will go and find a comfortable chair and sit down and do a little as I can for a short while. Except maybe, enjoy a gin and tonic while contemplating white mice and dolphins. And the number 42.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Forty Two

Forty Two

The answer to the question regarding life, the universe and everything, or so it seems to those lucky enough to be able to hitchhike across the galaxy. Also the number of muscles it takes to frown. Unfortunately I know which one is more relevant to me, though frowning takes too much energy and never let it be said that I was one to use more energy than necessary. It could be said that it is my contribution to conservation. Heaven only knows that it is likely to be the only impact I am likely to make on the wider world.
Now that sounds a lot more depressing than it was supposed to be, must be the results of a hard day trying to beat through the terminal lethargy that my students just seem to exude. Mind, there was one highlight in an otherwise predicable day and that was when several students were trying to take a picnic table with attached seating from one area of the school to another. Not normally a cause for concern, except that this lot was trying to go via the library corridor. Quite pleasing in one way as it shows a surprising degree of imagination and tenacity. There were a couple of us who were enjoying the spectacle even while directing them to more appropriate places. There are times where I wonder what the world will do when this lot are let loose on it.
But back to 42. I must say that it is a good conversation topic, you are never short of an answer to a question, and such an answer is guaranteed to generate interest. Either bemused disbelief from those who have never heard of Douglas Adams or a discussion on how one might distract oneself so that you can miss the ground when you throw yourself at it. So with a salute to white mice and dolphins I shall go and make myself a gin and tonic.

Forty Two

I was reminded the other day of this number, one of the most interesting, I believe. As an answer to the question of life, the universe and everything, if one can ever hitchhike across the galaxy, it also highlights the necessity for knowing what the question actually is. As we often have questions for which we seek the answers, it is a different concept to have an answer, and then wonder exactly what it relates to? Rarely do we have the luxury of having a one-on-one relationship with Q & A. It is also the number of muscles it takes to frown, but I tend to be one that sees things as half full rather than half empty. Laziness will out.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Time wasters

Therein lies the difference. Does this sort of work constitute a waste of time or just or just a way of using time that takes up a lot of it? But I guess that learning new things is never simple, especially when you try and do it yourself. Some might say that it is the best way to learn, for example, this missive. It has taken me a good half an hour to work out how to just create the next installment on this feature and then I finally find that it is a simple case of hit the right button. (Or so I hope. Will find out soon enough I suppose)
Now I realize that I could have just asked someone in the know, but that would have required energy to get out of my seat and go for a walk, and although I also am one who delights in mental exercise, the physical variety leaves a lot to be desired. Then too, I am a great believer in the art of procrastination and anything that is an excuse to not do what I should really be doing is as desireable as a glass of decent red wine, a good strong cup of decent coffee or a slab of Belguim chocolate. And, of course, a good book. So, in response to my feline compatriot (thank you for doing me the honour of actually reading this stuff), I need to say that A.McC's crystal singer series is another favourite, I have read some of her B & B ship books, but haven't really got into her telepath ones.
This, of course, does not mean that I do not get around to doing anything important, just don't rely on me to have the normal definition of important, as those that know me can testify. And, yes, dear tawny goddess, the poor misguided knight of whom we have correspondence, has the misfortune of knowing me in the real world. But there is never the time for such discourse as this forum provides. ( I would have replied on your site, but for some reason this system would not let me through. I shall attempt this quest at a later stage)
But now the bane of this existance calls, yet another meeting to tax the patience while numbing the braincells and the rear end.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

About time?

In this age of modern technology, how many of us truly embrace all these changes? How many of us take for granted all the modern convieniences of our time while at the same time fantasize about the 'romance' of the past? Who the hell cares? Tis an interesting philosophical question and one that could be debated around the dinner table, if such a thing still exists.
But I only set this up to make a comment for a person who is a colleague as part of reality but is showing me that the world of my imagination is not such a silly place to be in after all. That there are other warped souls out there in the real world who can appreciate the intricacies of Shakespeare, the simplicity of Star Wars, wonder as to the reality of Avalon ( no, not the airbase, though I do appreciate the marvel of flight and their machines) and wish that there really was such a place as Pern.
So, here I find myself. Talking to a screen. With no concept as to where this may lead. Is this what Nimue might have felt like when she took on Lancelot as her apprentice? Starting something that she had no idea where it would take her?