Saturday, January 29, 2005

In for me

Coincidence: to happen at the same time; to be the same; to agree.
I am increasingly led to believe that the one in charge has a warped sense of humour. Not only do they delight in throwing some very interesting curves into my life, but for some strange reason, they feel the need to share the experience. Cross points and intersections are all too numerous and accurately drawn to be the aspect of mere chance. Bad enough that there was one that I knew of that seemed drawn into the web of my existence and non reality, but to tap onto another stranger whose ramblings echo the more confused aspects of my nightmare? That then really ties into my growing belief that we are all more connected than we give credence for. Or is it simply that the one in charge really does have it in for me? Though really, am I that tied up in my own self importance that the feeling of paranoia is justified? Reality check needed here, again.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


-any of the faculties used to obtain information
an awareness or appreciation of or an ability to make judgements
regarding some specified thing
-wisdom, practical worth
-general feeling
-specific meaning
Someone read something I wrote once and said that it made little sense. Now that made interesting mindplay as I pondered the meaning of the word. Does this mean that what I wrote did not make much sense at all in the idea that the person had little idea of the meaning behind my words? Or did they gain some meaning of my intent but it was not enough? Did I convey enough information and was this just not enough for their expectations/needs/wants? I mean, I write and ask others to read my rambles with the idea that I know what is in my head, but is that conveyed when I put it down on paper? Can others see/feel what it is I see/feel?
But just what sort of sense was I seeming failing to deliver? I consider myself to be a sense-itive person in that I take a lot in from the 5 given me. Sight, well beauty is in the eye of the beholder: sound, there are just some timbers of voices that really appeal and others that grate: taste, preferably wine, chocolate and coffee:touch, big on that tactile information: smell, definitely underated. Then of course there is common sense, which I often do not show, no-one could accuse me of being common. As for non-sense, as soon as someone tells me exactly what a non is, rather than just accuse me of having/practicing it, then I shall be most grateful. Not bad though, seems I am somewhat of an expert for that one and still unsure of its exact nature. Not bad, huh?
But to go beyond all that, the one I believe that I have neglected, to the detriment of those that know me, is the wisdom and practical worth. That is the one I should take to heart and begin to practice. Heaven only knows that I have the years be able to claim this. Maybe I am long overdue for the need to put it into effect, even if the desire to do so is ruled by non rather than common.