Sunday, August 28, 2005


Interesting concept, this business of travelling through time and space, taking to thin air as if one was talking to someone. Have been spending the time between last here and now, doing a lot of talking to myself, in the somewhat vain hope of clearing up a few problems. Dont know that I have been entirely successful on that front, but have managed to try and get things into perpective. Not sure if I like the picture, or what the picture actually is, but who am I to tell? Have been getting a lot of things wrong though, and that I definitely dont like. Though I think the worst is that I am really not sure where to go from here. I actually asked the question yesterday, 'am I just being paranoid in thinking that there is something/I have done something wrong, yet again' Got no answer, well, actually, got a lot of verbal dancing around, which I suppose, is answer enough. And here I was, thinking that I was back on track to doing the right thing. So, are others picking up on my very good talent of reading more into things than are really there? And if that is then the case, should I go back to doing what I want because it is believed that I am doing so much more than that anyway? No, of course not. If only to have something to claim on the moral high ground, especially after giving so much away on so many fronts. They talk about being shot for a sheep as for a lamb but what do you do when the scent of lanolin is purely circumstantial? I think my finding my way back here needs to mark a point where I should withdraw, let the real world take care of itself without me, as it is so capable of doing. And continue this journal to see how it travels.


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